Friday, January 15, 2010

Fuck you, artificial intellegence.

During our narrative in a digital age class, our proffessor brought up the digi-book. Macey was like "I saw a poindexter on the subway reading one of those"

This is notable because:

a) I have a strange fixation with the term 'poindexter' and all it stands for.
b) This blog is a testament to narrative in a digital age, obv.
c) I loathe digi-books.

Print will never die. I know this sounds like a niave stance, but I really believe those lame ass digi-books are like the 8 track of the print world. They will crash and burn and I will stomp on their firey grave and damn them to hell.

1 comment:

Shaun said...

it was explained to me that print is the only way to get information to every social class. homeless ones getting the news on their digi-books? don't worry. there's always electromagnets.