Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen. There comes a time in every womans life that she must read Jane Austen and find out what all the fucking hype is about. I have always had the suspicion that her novels were merely chick lit from the 1800’s. Alas, I figured I owed it to my gender, particularly my mother, to giver her a whirl. I checked out Northanger Abbey from the library only to have my expectations confirmed. Jane Austen is B-O-R-I-N-G. Now, I have nothing against chick lit. And I do admit that I have only read the one book by Jane Austen, so maybe I can’t jump to conclusions like this. But my first Jane Austen experience will likely be my last, sorry to say.
George Monbiot: Heat. A crazy informative / slightly depressing account of climate change. Monbiot is a fierce environmentalist, who I was first introduced to in my environmental philosophy class in PEI. I fell in love, and have stayed faithful ever since. Anyone who is even remotely interested in the environment should read this. A notable excerpt:
“If in the year 2030, carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere remain as high as they are today, the likely result is two degrees centigrade of warming. Two degrees is the point beyond which certain major ecosystems begin collapsing ... in other words, climate change (will be) out of our hands: it will accelerate without our help”
Read this book and help me save the world.
Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck. I read a bunch of short classics at the start of the summer, and this one really rocked my world. I shed a tear at the ending, to be honest.
The Godfather, Mario Puzo. This book took over my life for a little while. It also took over Macey and Laurels. Macey found it during a wild goose chase to a bike sale that never really existed in the end, but brought her to this tattered book on the street somewhere. It has been safe and sounds at 322 Shaw st. ever since.
GreenTOpia: Towards a Sustainable Toronto, various authors. This is a compilation of short essays with the goal of promoting good ideas to ensure that Toronto doesnt wither away with climate change. It has a bunch of creative ideas, including green hydrogen powered cabs, art projects like 'the painted line' between the city and the countryside, and composting toilets in parks like Dufferin Grove. So many more. The uTOpia series are devoted to the improvement of the city, written by and for, people who love Toronto.
Global Warming for Dummies. Its actually written by Elizabeth May, among others. the Dummies Series are fucking awesome.
Today, Marie Claire. I was in need of some mindless entertainment (where is Jane Austen when you need her?) and I saw Ashley Olson on the cover of the most recent issue and I am not ashamed to say that I grabbed it immediately. It did not disappoint my desire for big colourful font and fashion tips. Let it be known: strappy stilettos in charcoal menswear fabric put the POW in power dressing.
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