... because androgny is an endless source of fascination for everyone, especially when it comes to fashion. It's also pretty fucking sexy. Here are some rad females who do it, and do it well.
Demi Moore

A 1992 cover of Vanity Fair, what came to be known as the most popular example of modern body painting. The previous year, she was shot on the cover pregnant, and naked. Everyone was pissed. What a homegirl.
Cindy Lauper

What a moody bitch - I love this bowler hat. She's been a gay icon since the 80's, when she released an album called "She's so unusual". Now, she hangs out with Lady Gaga and saves the world via Viva Glam lipstick.
Patti Smith

I picture Patti Smith sitting on the beach in New York drinking out of a paper bag kicking sand in the faces of bikini claad bitches with her doc martins. She was a punk rock luminary in the 70's, and still is today. And she's every bit as beautiful at 63 as she was at 30.
Ellen Page

This 23 year old girl is talented as hell and really fucking cute. The best part is that she doesn't feel the need to show everyone her tits. I love how her style is sort of endearing and boyish.
Tegan and Sara

Every dude I know has a hard on for these girls. And rightly so.
Joan Jett

Like Patti, Joan Jett is one of those rock stars who sort of transcends gender. Her style is so effortlessly badass such that I imagine a lot of men probably would slay dragons to bang her. I also imagine her vagina probably has a sharp set of teeth.
Debbie Harry

I thought of Debbie Harry's style and instantly my mind wandered to the notorious stage shot of her wearing that too short t-shirt with a totally exposed vagina. Enough said.
Lady Gaga

I couldn't resist. Gay men love her, women want to have sex with her too probably, (I know I sure do.) Lady Gaga has created an entirely new way of self presentation. Here, she looks like one of the village people. This outfit is like something you would see on Church street at one of the clubs called Sailor. On that note, if you haven't seen her alter ego, Jo Calderone, feast your eyes on this, pussyhounds!